New Profile Posts

  1. adebose
    Hi, i have an issue.
  2. codepantry
    codepantry yoggl
    Do oy mind sharing the link to your site?
  3. drytech
    Always Online Making Money
  4. sagesage
    sagesage anylee
  5. windowclean
    windowclean Gourav
    Can the color scheme be change to gray?
  6. proapc
    proapc Nitesh
    Thanks for your help...I still cannot see how to ensure all the listing leads are set to email their respective owner for the Geaocraft theme. As is now, all leads are coming to the admin of the main wp site. Also, how can we add a linkedin category to the social media icons.
  7. georgippetrov
    georgippetrov Nitesh
    Hi, this probably have answer somewhere but i like to ask any way. It's about Geocraft theme,
    How can i change the $ sign to £ in Submit Listing Page? I know $ look better on terms of payments but my site is based and concentrate only in UK so i need to change that. I have change the currency in theme options but this doesn't change on actual Submit Listing page
    1. View previous comments...
    2. georgippetrov
      All done. Working now. Just a quick question. How exactly people can write review and star the companies. Do they need to be log on or not?
      Feb 26, 2014
    3. Nitesh
      It is completely depend on setting done by admin in the Dashboard > Settings > Discussion > Users must be registered and logged in to comment.
      Feb 27, 2014
    4. georgippetrov
      Ok thanks, that's fine. Great support so far. Thanks again
      Feb 27, 2014
  8. rogerb
    rogerb effyeweb

    In response to your request for help on the web site speed, the details I gave pretty much say what was done. The biggest increase is due to the use of a Virtual Private Server and of course there is a cost associated with this. In my case it around £250 per year and you would need to be able to administer it your self as you can't get the hosting provider to do such things as restart the mysql database for you!
    1. effyeweb likes this.
    2. effyeweb
      is it possible to share with me which hosting company, what is the website, i am looking for upgrade my hosting as well. one of my website, is using hosting plan, quite slow.
      Feb 25, 2014
    3. effyeweb
      i hope to know which VPS i should enrol, yours is very fast
      Feb 25, 2014
    4. effyeweb
      i am now considering, but do not have any example for me. but i feel your website, very fast.
      Feb 26, 2014
  9. salvodif
  10. mulberry
    Working on a video resource site called
  11. joshuagale65
    joshuagale65 Gourav
  12. cleanhom
    A plug and play method in our current world makes life easier and cheaper. Thanks to technology and the dependency on one another
  13. booyanzhang
    booyanzhang Nitesh
    Hello Nitesh, may I know why Heading, Homepage two Cols, Homepage three Cols and so on, everything cannot show Chinese word? It only appear english word... Help, I need to complete the website today and I am rushing now :'(
    1. Nitesh
      Please check your community inbox message.
      Feb 18, 2014
  14. booyanzhang
    booyanzhang Nitesh
    Help... I using Squirrel Pro theme, Chinese word are not shown in my website!!! How???