New Profile Posts

  1. adolfopaniagua
    Do you guys have a video on traffica pro themes I am having a hard time with the new way to customize the website
  2. amouratoglou
    amouratoglou Yogesh
    Dear Yogesh I have activated the theme , i have some issues with videocraft can you please help me...thanks !!!
  3. giftish
    Waiting to find themes
  4. sumitsagar96
    Why to be a King, when you can be the God
  5. chrisr
    chrisr Yogesh
    I have started a conversation regarding the infoway theme can you please help??
  6. chrisr
    chrisr Pramod
    I have started a conversation regarding the infoway theme can you please help??
  7. chrisr
    chrisr PankajK
    I have started a conversation regarding the infoway theme can you please help??
    1. PankajK
      The issue has been fixed.
      Aug 27, 2014
  8. foster
    I need updated pro responsive Tthemia theme; how do I get it.
  9. eugenedunkley
    eugenedunkley Nitesh
    Hi Nitesh I cannot access my themes please can you sort this out so I can access the themes I have paid for
  10. sanjayasum
    sanjayasum Nitesh
    Hello. I have create new thread in the Blogspring theme sub forum. Please help
  11. jonnic
    jonnic 020110ym
    Can someone tell me how to update my colorway theme please. I am having problems with pages that have been deleted still remaining in the menu while new pages not appearing & some plugins still displaying even though they have been deleted.
  12. roniza
    Hi, I have a problem with squirrel theme that I've been using very successfully for many years.
  13. kramsenoj
    How do I remove the author from my posts. I am using the Local Business Theme. Thanks
  14. debi rah
    debi rah
    Insert blog stream Right Column Heading home page 2 columns.
  15. webunet
    Would love to learn how you added the header slider. Thanks in advance.
  16. webunet
    It looks like you got your questions answered. Love what you did to your site, very nice presentation.
  17. webunet
    Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been inside this forum for a few weeks.
  18. jrpubs
    jrpubs webunet
    We are trying to get our home page to include a paragraph above the listings and under the slider to tell a little bit about our event like yours does.

    We tried adding text to the homepage and changing the homepage type, but we can not get anything to appear over the listings like you can see on your homepage for The Flathead Directory.

    Can you offer any assistance? Thanks.
  19. windwardboy
    Eating my finger nails..
  20. amit88
    amit88 Gourav
    Hello Mr. Gourav, i want to arrange the sequence of menu under start point theme, please tell me the way.