Can I remove the feature sections, or remove 2 to have one feature section that covers the space of all 3? Rather than have 3 separate features, I was hoping to fill the area with "Welcome" content. THANK YOU!
Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.second{ display:none; } .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.third{ display:none; } .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.first{ width:600px; } Now, Add your text and heading in First Feature section.
I tried pasting this code into my custom CSS and it didn't do anything. Actually when I tried using any of the custom CSS suggestions, nothing works. Is there something wrong with my theme? It worked yesterday. HELP! I am trying to remove the 4th feature where the youtube video is... Infoway theme