I want the Contact this Person to always work whether the ad is free or not. We don't want to charge for any of our ads. It appears that users will only receive emails if an ad is "Premium". So I have two questions: First, how do I make it so every ad created is premium and they are not charged anything? Second, if I can't do that, how do I get the Contact this Person to work and always send the poster an email despite the ad being premium or not?
Hello, There are two solutions for you. 1) To make all ads premium without payment. Allow users to post free ads and afterwords make all ads premium through admin panel manually. 2) Allow contact this Person for free ads. Go to the classicrafttheme\library\control\cc_leads and comment code as shown in image.
What exactly am I changing? Your highlighted code is what already exists minus the two // in front of the second highlighted } Should I be changing 'pro' to 'free'?
Hello, Just go to the cc_leads.php file as addressed above. There you will get code "if ($ad_type == 'pro') {" probably at line number 75 and "}" at line number 84. So what you need to do is just comment out both lines with // as shown in the image above. No need to change anything else.