My site is I have created on the widgit page, sidebars more individual pages. One originally created for a page called "Find Us" is still there, even though I've deleted that page from my website. Does that make any difference? Is there a way to remove that? Thank you.
Hello, We have checked your website and "find us" page is not displaying there. It might be the problem of cache so clear your cache and check your website on another system.
Yes, I have removed that page from my website. My question was that on the widgit page, the FIND US sidebar was still there. Is there a way to remove it from the widgit page?
Hello, We are not getting your issue. Please explain with the help of screenshot, About which area you are talking.
Okay the screen shot is attached. The website is okay. I am asking how I can remove the widget on the sidebar, of the webpage that I trashed. I am trying to remove this, if it is not being used anymore.
Hello, Drag the Find Us widget from that section and drop it in the Inactive Widgets area. This will solve your issue.
Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] We will check it and try to resolve your issue.