Hello, Follow the link given below http://www.inkthemes.com/community/...activate-listing-that-expire.5558/#post-20535 This will solve your issue.
I am a bit code impaired, is the process to add the code you provided and add a listing? Also where in functions does it go? top bottom ?
Hello, Go to function.php present in your theme directory and add the code given below Code: global $wpdb; $data="SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'draft'"; $queries = $wpdb->get_results($data); foreach ($queries as $query) { echo $post_id=$query->ID; $meta_key='gc_listing_duration'; $post_status='post_status'; $posttable='wp_posts'; $meta_value='06/20/2013 07:15:45'; update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value); $wpdb->update($posttable,array($post_status =>'publish'), array( 'ID' =>$post_id ),array('%s'),array( '%d' )); } Sending image for reference "$meta_value" defines as the date at which you want to expire your listing, So fill "$meta_value" as per your requirements. Firstly save that code in the bottom of function.php file and then refresh your dashboard and website, It will activate your all listings after that remove that code and again save your file.
I have completed the steps given with no result. The "wp-content" dir. name has been changed would that cause any problems? Additionally when adding listings via the mass up loader can the expire date be changed on upload so this does not occur again?
Hello, Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: http://www.inkthemes.com/community/threads/mass-re-activate-listings.5995/ Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] I will check and resolve your issue
When adding listings via the mass up loader can the expire date be changed on upload so this does not occur again?
Hello, Expiry depends on what you have set in the payment settings > Free payment package, One time payment package Suppose if you have set payment settings "listing active period" to 1 year and after that import csv then all imported listing expiry date will be set to 1 year. And we have renewed your all listings through code posted above. Previously it was not working because prefix (wp) used in the code and prefix you are using are not same. Through your dashboard we have identified your prefix and added it to the code.