Hello,My friend, My site load very slow,I don't know where I should improve,Could you please help? Thanks&Best regards Christopher My web:www.apiwellheadsolution.com
Hello, My personal view is that, your website is loading swiftly. However, you want to increase the loading speed of your website, you can use any cache plugin of wordpress. This will solve your issue.
Thanks a lot Piyush, but everytime when I visited my website, it loading more than 10s, and also I using webpagetest tools(webpagetest.com), it show that my pages load first view is more than 5.20S, I think there must have something wroing with my site, Do you have any more suggestion except of the cache plugin? as far as I knew, it is difficult to update my pages if I use the cache plugin. Thanks a lot,my friend. Christopher
Hello, We have done some editing in our latest theme as to focusing on the loading speed . Please download the latest copy of BlackBird theme from members area (http://inkthemes.com/members/member/index) and update your theme. Follow the link given below to update your theme. http://www.inkthemes.com/how-to-update-a-premium-theme-by-inkthemes/05/ However, you can also use the cache plugin to speed up your website. If you are facing problem to update your customization while using any cache plugin then you have to follow these steps given below. 1. Clear the cache. 2. Deactive the cache plugin. 3. Do your customization. 4. After completion of your customization, activate the cache plugin. You have to repeat these above steps when you going to update your website. I hope this will solve your issue.