I just installed the Colorway theme and I was hoping for an Orange Theme Stylesheet. Is it possible to get orange added to the theme?
Hello, Go to css> black.css present in your theme directory and follow the instruction as shown in image given below Also check the link for reference http://www.inkthemes.com/how-to-edit-internal-files-through-ftp/07/
I would like to know what happens to this modified black.css file when the theme is updated? Does this file need to be added to the child theme, or will it remain unchanged when the theme is updated?
Hello, Child theme only support parent directory files and "black.css" file present in sub directory of the theme. The only way to save the modification is to save the "black.css" file and after update replace it with your current "black.css" file. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava