I only want to use a Facebook social link for now, but notice that every time I remove the other three they come back. Is there a secret to disabling them? Also, do you plan to add pinterest as an option?
1.For your first issue Go to theme-options.php present in your theme directory and remove the code given below 2.For your second issue There is no plan yet, But you can use Social Media Widget plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/social-media-widget/ This will solve your issue.
Well, I learned something new (finding the code to edit), but it didn't work. Please check my changes as attached. You can see the site at http://www.wpfish2.com/flagfish/.
Download theme again from members area and remove that code again and also deactivate cache plugin if installed. It will resolve your issue.
Do you mean download from InkThemes? (what members area?) Can you walk me through that? I don't want to lose the work I have done. How do I know if the cache plugin is installed?
Login through the link given below and download theme from there. Login here: http://inkthemes.com/members/member/index If you have done some changes in .php files then it will lost. Your theme option content will remain intact while updating theme.
I downloaded the theme. Perhaps you should have given me more details. When I went to install, I got this error: Seriously, I have no idea what I am doing. But I am trying to learn! Thank you for your patience.
Directory with the name "blackbirdtheme" already exists in your dashboard. Rename directory that you are trying to upload For example currently it is "blackbirdtheme" rename it to "blackbirdthemepro". Then open style.css exists in your theme directory and make changes there as shown in image. After that zip that directory and upload it. If still your problem exists then Please provide the following information listed below. Send this information on our email at [email protected] Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: We will check and resolve your issue.
Hello, i wanted to get rid of Linked in and Twitter in my Social links in the footer as you say here, but it didn't work neither. I won't download the theme again as i will loose all the changes in the php files i made with your help before - and they were many. What are my options? Ideally i'd like to have FB and RSS only in the footer. But alternatively it would suit me not to have any social links in the footer at all and then i could use this space for a widget. Please advise. Thank you www.villa4season. com
Go to Functions > theme options.php present in your theme directory and follow the instruction as shown in image given below
Thank you, noted about separate thread. About my issue: as i mentioned it before i already erased these # in there (at linked in line and twitter only) but it didnt help.what else can i do?
Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected]