I saw another post about how to show the Slider Heading and Description on an iPhone 5S, but it really doesn't work completely. There is a spot on the image created, and the Description appears almost at the bottom of the image, thus getting the rest of the description lost. Any better tuning to do this? I took your CSS suggestion as it made it worst. Thanks
Hello, Please provide us your website url as well as the screenshot where you facing the problem. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
site name: babymaxcare.com picture shows the slider description is pushed to the bottom of the image and it leaves a spot above the slider title. Thanks
Hello, Paste following CSS in Custom CSS and save all changes. Code: @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ .salesdetails { display: block; width: 39.3%; padding: 1px 7px 10px 10px; } .salesdetails .span{ font-size:13px; line-height: 17px; } .sl-slide-vertical .sl-slide-inner { top: 0; } } That will resolve your issue. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
Please refer to "iPhone Issues" Thread. Your suggestion above is half-way cooked and when lumped with other issues, it just does not work. It seems this theme is not well suited for iPhones... iPad seems ok. I really need this fixed !!! Thanks