Hi guys, I have my website up and running today and did several tests on the lead generation form. I put one of my own email addresses (it was not [email protected]) in place of some of the clients email addresses. When I filled out the lead generation form it only sent the email to me as [email protected], it did not send the email through to the email addresses I used for the clients. (I had used a gmail address and I checked the gmail a/c to make sure it was not in spam etc) Looks like none of the clients will receive emails from the lead generation form, they are only going to me as admin. I looked and can find no setting where I can make the form emails go to the business owners. 1. Can you please advise what .php file and what code I need to change to make sure that the emails will go to the business owners. 2. The subject of the emails that I did receive as admin all had the subject line, "Your listing subscription notification" - is there some way to change this to read "New Message from XYZ Business Directory" Many thanks.
I have sent an email off to [email protected] with website access details to see if this can be rectified.
Akbar, many thanks for fixing item 2 above - email subject line now corrected. Good job. Have you had any luck yet in fixing item 1 above - getting emails from lead generation form to go to the business email addresses? Thanks.
Hello, You are most welcome, I have sent you a video in this regard to your mail-box. Emails are perfectly sent to the listing owner mail-box. I would like to tell you that emails from lead generation send to the listing owner mail-box who created that ad and also a registered member of your website. Hope you understand this. Do let me know if you need further assistance. I will be glad to assist you. Regards, Akbar InkThemes.com