Images did not load with demo - herbshop

Discussion in 'Forum Rules' started by spiceitrite, May 20, 2021.

  1. spiceitrite

    spiceitrite New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    I have seen this many times on the support forum. Instead of looking at my dashboard I would like to know how to fit it in case I need to repeat it. I uploaded the theme, the xml file and no images. Herbshop pro is the theme I purchased today.
  2. shemaela21

    shemaela21 Guest Staff Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    Thanks for contacting InkThemes,

    It may be possible that the XML and JSON files might have not downloaded and installed properly.

    So kindly once again freshly download the XML and JSON files once again.

    To install the theme along with the plugin and demo content.

    Just visit your member's area:

    Get download the zip file of your theme along with Ink Import Export plugin and JSON, XML files.

    Now, visit your WordPress Dashboard->Appearance->Themes->Add New->Upload

    Upload & activate the theme and also install the Ink Import Export plugin and activate it.

    To install the plugin visit your WordPress Dashboard->Appearance->Plugins->Add New->Upload

    For WooCommerce products install the WooCommerce plugin and activate it.

    By using our import-export plugin, you can upload the demo contents (XML and JSON).

    I hope you find the above information helpful.

    And for the menu layout kindly set the menu options properly from the appearance -> menu section.

    Still, if you are unable to install the demo data then just send the below-mentioned credential details at along with the thread link.

    WordPress Website URL: -
    WordPress Username: -
    WordPress Password: -

    We will do it for you.


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