hello, how can i rename rename "listcat" and "listing" slugs in theme? thank you.
hello, i want to change "listing" slug on the url for SEO purposes, can i?
.po and mo file is available , but the theme doesn't recognize it, any sugestion? do i have to recognize the .MO file anywhere in the theme? like...
hello, can you explain where to check or how to do it? so i can try myself and not disturb you again, .po and .mo files are at the language folder.
i new flat theme design is a must! that it will exercise sales too, i think! i saw many cool deigns in theme forest...
hello nitin, i like wordpress! can you explain here in forum how to do it? so i can try myself and not disturb you again:)
hello, i have translate default.po file to tr_TR.po but still doesn't recognize translated .po file. thank you
hello, whre can i dounload the geocraft log in PSD format? thank you
hello, the photos i upload in the businnes listings are not showing up, can you help me?
Hello, how can i add a comment box or a contact form in the full width page of geocraft?
thank you priya, actualy i like to use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-job-manager , there is any solution for that?
hello, i installed job manager ( https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-job-manager) is working ok, but is not showing nothing of the job...
any news about this problem?
i sample plugin http://codecanyon.net/item/directory-pro/12488012
geocraft theme has a plugin?
geocraft theme as i pluging? when?
i installed job manager ( https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-job-manager) is woring ok, but is not showing nothing of the job listings! can...
how to display free lisitng space not blank but in diferent color?
ok thank you.
hello, how can a give phone numbers i litle space between each other? i want the to have space between each other
Separate names with a comma.