Hi. I've tried numerous suggestions for other InkTheme themes to resolve this, but none of them work for Trafica. For example, the plugin that has been suggested many times (social media widget) does not install to the right area (very bottom of footer), and the coding suggestions I've seen (footer.php) don't work either. To be clear... I just want to add LinkedIn (for now) to the social icons/links at the bottom of footer. Same size, same graphics, same animation, etc. Can you please provide an update that would add the category to the Trafica theme options? I noticed that there were a lot of LinkedIn requests for the other themes, so I'm surprised Trafica didn't include it from inception.
Hello, Go to the images directory present in your theme directory and replace any one of the social logo images (fb.png, gp.png, pn.png, rss.png, tw.png, yt.png) that you are not using in the theme, with your LinkedIn images but having the same name as of previous image. Or you can edit any one of the social logo images (fb.png, gp.png, pn.png, rss.png, tw.png, yt.png) that you are not using in theme with the help of photoshop or any other photo editing tool.
I did this too and it works great. My only problem is the name "Twitter" appears on the roll over even though I changed the image. Where can I change the roll-over text?
Hello, Go to the footer.php file present in your theme directory and edit the text shown in the image given below. This will solve your issue.