Hello, How i can add one more field in Registration page ? please suggest me how i can do this change. I need to add "Choose college as Dropdown" in registration page. Thanks
Here i am trying to edit this file.... themes/geocrafttheme/library/front_end/Registration.php // Change role wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, 'role' => 'teacher')); add_user_meta($user_id, 'user_college', $college_name); <div class="row"> <label for="your_college"><?php echo College ?><span class="required">*</span></label> <select name="your_college" id="your_college"> <option value="abccollege" <?php selected( $meta_element_class, 'abc' ); ?>>abc college</option> <option value="defcollege" <?php selected( $meta_element_class, 'def' ); ?>>def college</option> <option value="pqrcollege" <?php selected( $meta_element_class, 'pqr' ); ?>>pqr college</option> <option value="xyzcollege" <?php selected( $meta_element_class, 'xyz' ); ?>>xyz college</option> </select> <span id="user_college"></span> </div> I have created one table name as user_college in wp_users Please suggest me where i am doing wrong here.... I am not able to store college in database
Hello, Unfortunately there isn't a way to do that with our theme unless you custom code something up. Sorry.