Hi, I want all reviewers to create an account and log in. And I wish to add gamification to the reviewers - stuff like giving points for each review they make, and up votes for reviews. Any plugin in particular I could use to achieve this effect? I need a leaderboard as well - I wish to incentivize users to make reviews, and this would be a great way to do it. Please assist! Cheers! Dhawal
Anyone in the team can help me answer this query. I've found a couple of promising gamification plugins but would like to know which would integrate seamlessly with geocraft.
Hello dhawalshah, Reviewer account feature is not possible with this theme. You can use "Rating widget" plugin for star rating and vote feature Download it from the link given below. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rating-widget/ It will not fulfill your requirement 100%. You need to search more plugins at WordPress.org.
Hey Nitesh, I am launching my directory/review site end of May and including a gamification platform is high priority to kickstart engagement from users. I am talking to the developers of BigDoor to see if they can support the GeoCraft theme. However, if you could also take a look and let me know the viability of including BigDoor as the gamification platform on the theme, it would be awesome. There is a wordpress plugin but it is unsupported. Basically, we want users to be able to log in using Facebook Connect or OAuth or Twitter Connect and gain points/badges for - social sharing on Google+, Facebook, Twitter - following us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter - adding reviews to listings on our site and rating them - adding comments to blogposts Please do look into how I could implement BigDoor into Geocraft. Thanks!
This sounds great - I'd love to know the best ways you guys are using this for Geocraft - please share. Thank you.