I want to install the trust seal on my website. I have the code to float it in the bottom right corner of my website. How do I add it? Thanks so much.
Hello ! Please provide URL of your website to make me better understand to provide your better solution. Thanks & Regards Pramod
Hi, My site is not yet visible so you wont be able to view it. Here is some info from the sitelock site that might help. INSTALLING YOUR SITELOCK TRUST SEAL Displaying the SiteLock Trust Seal shows your visitors that you take their security seriously, instilling trust in your customers for your brand, and even increasing your online sales. Selected Domain:www.verticaljumpworld.com STEP1 Choose a language STEP 2 Choose color, size and style STEP3 Install SiteLock Trust Seal I want to install the trust seal on my website. Show me the code. <div id="sitelock_shield_logo" class="fixed_btm" style="bottom:0;position:fixed;_position:absolute;right:0;"><a href="https://www.sitelock.com/verify.php?site=www.verticaljumpworld.com" onclick="window.open('https://www.sitelock.com/verify.php...idth=600,height=600,left=160,top=170');return false;" >src="//shield.sitelock.com/shield/www.verticaljumpworld.com"></a></div> Float my trust seal in the bottom right corner of my website.
Hello ! For this you have to add this code in footer.php file. Once you make your website visible we will help you to put this code in that file. Thanks & Regards Pramod