when a premium user edit and updates the content of ads want to approve the administrator. How approve the updates from a premium user automatically?
Hello, Theme is implemented in such a way that it will not allow auto publish for edited or updated ad. Admin permission or approval is required there. Admin permission or approval is required to publish ads.
Afternoon, Is there absolutely no way to get this done - to auto update an edit. Reason I ask if you have 1000 edits a day -> its a mission to approve them all everyday I went to edit_ad.php and found : $post_status = "pending"; Tried changing to approved etc but then when editing the ad just disappears. Really need help here pls
1. Go to wp-content/themes/classicrafttheme/library/control/admin_settings/edit_ad.php 2. At the very beginning of the file, you will see: $post_status = "pending"; Change this to $post_status = "publish"; 3. Save file and voila! Now when you edit an ad, it will automatically be published.