Hello, I have installed the theme but the listings not turn published after payment. The configuratins is "publish" but I ever need to mark each listing as published, because they are allways pending.
Hello, Go to function.php present in your theme directory and add the code given below Code: global $wpdb; $data="SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'pending'"; $queries = $wpdb->get_results($data); foreach ($queries as $query) { echo $post_id=$query->ID; $meta_key='gc_listing_duration'; $post_status='post_status'; $posttable='wp_posts'; $meta_value='06/20/2013 07:15:45'; update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value); $wpdb->update($posttable,array($post_status =>'publish'), array( 'ID' =>$post_id ),array('%s'),array( '%d' )); } Sending image for reference "$meta_value" defines as the date at which you want to expire your listing, So fill "$meta_value" as per your requirements. Firstly save that code in the bottom of function.php file and then refresh your dashboard and website, It will activate your all listings after that remove that code and again save your file.