Hi, if you click http://themotorcycledude.com/ad/another-test/ You will see that the description is I\’m selling a voltage regulator The backwards slash is not supposed to be there. Perhaps you are escaping the single quotes? How can this be corrected? There are backslashes everywhere, titles, descriptions, recent posts. Thanks.
The database is storing these escaped quotes. Here is the screenshot. Please please help me to fix this. This is so frustrating.
Hello, I have checked your website but I am not getting such issue on your site. Please specify the browser and their version on which you are facing this issue. See the link for reference, http://screencast.com/t/yhcbac0XQ
Your screencast DOES show the issue. In Recent Posts in the sidebar, you can clearly see the slashed quotes. I have fixed this issue in the main content area, that is why you no longer see it there. The solution was to go into tiny_mce_init.js and make the init function look like this: tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", force_br_newlines : false, force_p_newlines : false, forced_root_block : '', });
I then had to add stripslashes() anywhere where there was data retrieved from the database that had slashes.