Hello Support, Is it possible to make it easier to get a fast install feature to display each of these Themes as a Sample site from our site. I have bought many theme that offered a backup buddy or some other "fast install feature" so I could show the sample site faster, etc. Thank you for all the great themes you produce. Please advise.
What I meant was each theme on InkThemes is great for me to view to know what the possibilities are with each theme. The current "fast install" feature does a fair job, but what is missing is all the extra pages and Samples for each theme. LocalBusiness has several theme samples, but your current fast install only gives me one example. Is it possible to get an easy to Install Sample of all the different samples for each theme? I am trying to create our own samples site, and I do not want our clients going to InkThemes to view our samples, etc. Thank you!
Hello, It is not possible for us to provide you all the samples because it is the demo data of the website, which it contain by default. In our website due to selling purpose we are displaying the previews of theme with different demo data so that the visitor can get a quick idea about how to manage the Theme. You need to create your own demo previews.