Hi there, my website is: www.eastmoleseytrees.com I really like the current homepage as it is but i would like to add my most recent blog posts to the homepage. Ideally I would like to have three images (which would link to a seperate blog page) where the video section currently is. Would that be possible? Thanks in advance, Charlie
Hi, Kindly try and follow the steps mentioned in the image below: Hope it will solve your issue Regards, Sameer
Hi, We apologize for the above-described steps. The home page blog feature is not available in local business theme, but we have to perform that action then we need to do some custom coding for that. If you want us to code customization then let me know we will do at our end. Please provide the following information listed below. This Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] Regards, Sameer