I don't know if I setup the blog incorrectly on my domain, but I can't seem to get the blog posts to show on the front page. Also, I would like to align the text on the top right side of the screen (number and address) Please assist. Thanks. Website
Hello, 1. For the Blog post issue on the front page, It is the feature of our theme that to display excerpt view of only those recent blog post on the home, which contains the image(s). So create your recent post from the Post > Add New panel in your dashboard and insert image in the post. This will automatically display the excerpt view of the recent post on your front page. 2. Could you please clarify your second issue with the help of screenshot images.
1. I keep doing this. It is not working. Please review. 2. I am attaching a print screen: I want the number on one line, then the address like this: (212) 300-5196 100 Church Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10007 3. I would like to make the font larger for the language on top of the Read Me, Under Client Reviews, Contact Us For More Information. 4. I would like to make the brighter (more white) for the label headings, the box in the first image, and the text in the footer. Please help. Thanks.
Hello, Could you please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: http://www.inkthemes.com/community/threads/blogs-on-front-page.8089/ Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] We will check and try to resolve your issue.
Hello, Your 1st and 2nd issue have been resolved, you can check your website. Could you please explain and specify your 3rd and 4th issue with the help of screenshot images.