Hi Here is my site www.intronu.com I have asked more than five people to register and upload their videos on their own. But when they want to register they ended up with either of these error messages below or both. Some told me it easier to register with youtube than my site. One commented, "it has taken more than three hours I cant register, please go back and ask your site developer to fix this". Please let me know if you nee login in information to fix this. People are too busy thus can keep trying and trying just to upload video on this site if there are other site which take few minutes to upload. And to prove this just try and let me know if you are able to register just once after putting all information in the fields. below are error messages are I am getting. today i tried four times and ended with those errors. For sure no one will be interested in uploading their videos on my site. ERROR: The captcha is invalid. Please enter a valid captcha. ERROR: Please enter a valid CAPTCHA value.
Hello, Greetings from InkThemes! I would like to suggest you to please install the latest version of the theme i.e. 2.0.4, we have resolved this issue in latest version. If you haven't customized your theme's source code then, you are requested to download a fresh copy of latest version of this theme from the members area and upload it to your website. Here are the steps involved in doing so: Download the VideoCraft Pro theme by logging in your members account: http://inkthemes.com/members/member Hope it will resolve your issue Do let me know if you need more assistance, Thanks & Regards! Priyanka InkThemes.com