How do I change just the font to Arial and change the font color from gray to black on all the pages. I'm using a blog page on the home page. Does making the changes in the styling options Custom CSS still impact the pages?
Hello, Paste the following code in your Custom CSS (Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS) Code: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,a, span,ul,li,p,body,.textwidget{ font-family:symbol ! important; color:red ! important; } In place of "symbol" and "red" you can put your font and color or color code respectively. This will works on all the pages. If you want changes for particular section then do let me know about that section and also specify the issue with the help of screen shot images.
That worked, but now my links are black too. (I changed it back to standard) Is there a way to leave the links the blue and rest black? For example on page
Hello, Paste the following code in your Custom CSS (Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS) Code: a { color: #125d7f ! important; } .fullwidth p strong { color: #125d7f; } In place of "#125d7f " you can put your color or color code. This will solve your issue.