Hi, We'd like to change the font size in the Homepage feature area. Could we also align the body text to the left rather than centered? Also, is there a way to match that same font in the slider body? Can we hide the text in the header background image bar that shows up on secondary pages - the one that has the complimentary theme color? We'd like to hide the page name and the navigation words such as home/about.
Hello, Please provide us your website url as well as the screenshot where you want to hide text, which text size you want to make left align and change font size. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
Hi, I would like do use a bigger font at the section wich starts with: "Entre muitas razões, elaboramos este curso de escrita criativa depois de descobrir o quanto escrever pode fazer bem. A intenção principal da Terapia da Palavra é transformar nossos pensamentos e sentimentos em histórias, promovendo autoconhecimento, crescimento pessoal e, além disso, a escrita pode curar muita coisa....." through the end of this section. Just a little bit smaller than the title.
Hello Terapiadapalavra, Paste the code given below in Custom CSS section (Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS) of your dashboard. Code: .fullwidth-col p { font-size: 16px; } It will resolve your issue. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade
Hello Wtrujillo, Paste the code given below in Custom CSS section (Appearance -> Theme Options -> Styling Options -> Custom CSS) of your dashboard. Code: .page_heading_container .page_heading_content h1 { display: none; } .page_heading_container .page_heading_content #crumbs { visibility: hidden; } .flexslider .slides .content p { font-size: 18px; } .page_info { text-align: left; } .page_info h1 { font-size: 30px; } .page_info p { font-size: 18px; } It will resolve your issue. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade