I looked through the old threads and can't locate the file you refer to. I'm using Dreamweaver to access my files and I see everything, including the js folder, just not the custom slider file. Am I looking in the wrong folder. I've scanned everything, well maybe not everything since I'm not seeing it> Thanks!
Hello, You will not get js directory in your dashboard. You can edit custom.js file through FTP. Open your Theme directory (through FTP) > js directory > custom.js Download custom.js file from there, Edit it, Then again upload it at the same place..
I tried using dreamweaver and I don't see custome.js in the js folder. I see the js folder and other types of customize files but not custom.js?????
Hello, Image that you have shared is the image of WordPress js folder not a theme js folder, Go to Js > Custom.js present in your theme directory(GoldenEagle theme).