Hi, I saw the posting on changing the Tahoma font for all text. I don't understand how to change the custom.js file through FTP. Can you elaborate? Thanks, Stephanie
Hello, You will not get js directory in your dashboard. You can edit custom.js file through FTP. Open your Theme directory (through FTP) > js directory > custom.js Download custom.js file from there, Edit it, Then again upload it at the same place. You should contact with your server provider and ask for the FTP details like USERNAME and PASSWARD of your server. Login through FTP with these details and then edit that file.
Hi, I edited the custom.js file by removing the code that you suggested. I uploaded the new custom.js file and added the custom code. However the Tahoma font has not changed: http://www.havenhomeorganizing.com/ Suggestions?
Let me know if there is a file I can upload to show you what I did. (Is it possible that the custom.js file exists multiple times and I edited the wrong one?)
It worked! I changed the font family from arial to helvetica. However, now the homepage image doesn't work...Thoughts?
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