Hi All, As we know the qtranslate deals with translation via three Methods: 1. Directly through the po files ( SEO Friendly) 2.<!–:en–>Captcha Field<!–:–> (Not really SEO Friendly) 3.[:en]Captcha Field (Also not SEO Friendly) So can you change the way you handle the qtranslate translation by using PO method instead of other two methods as know InfoWay theme is completely translation ready, but I think for easier translation the theme localization files should split into these sections: - Website frontend (infoway/langs/infoway _domain.po file) - this is the bare minimum to translate. - Necessary WordPress admin options (/langs/admin/infoway _domain_adm.po file) - recommended to translate for multilingual WordPress administration. - Contextual help files (/langs/help/infoway _domain_help.po file). - Theme admin panel translation (/langs/wm-admin-panel/infoway _domain_panel.po file) - translate this only for administrators (if required). The default.po currently contains a list of words and phrases with combination for frontend and admin panel like a MIX cocktail although my above idea is much better for easy translation and management also it allow for any InfoWay theme owner to translate the ONLY section required to be translated. Regards, alwardi
Hello, Follow link given below for solution. http://www.inkthemes.com/community/...-switch-on-the-top-left-header-and-more.3664/