How do I change the theme color via a child theme? I see threads with instructions to change the colorcode within the parent theme but all this will be lost when doing updates right?
Hi, No it will not get lost after update. You can also check our post for child theme for your reference: Regards, Sameer
Please read my question properly. I mentioned other posts stating to change the theme color via the parent stylesheet which i dont want to do. I want to do it via the child theme. I know what a child theme is. I am asking how to change the theme color via the child theme. I created a css and color folder in the child theme but it has no effect.
Hi, After creating a child theme have you follow the steps mentioned in the image to change the theme color let me know: Regards, Sameer
Hi, Could you please send us the edited screen shots of your CSS that you have created and the approach you are using to apply so that we can guide you accordingly. Regards, Sameer