Hi I totally love the Infoway theme (Great job guys.) and after much playing around with the theme what would make it perfect for me is the following: 1. Is it possible to remove the 3 Column Feature area and replace it with an area where I just have a single section of text. That text could either be from a Blog Post or a Page? 2. When I de-select the Captcha for the Leads page the 'Send Your Message' button on the leads form becomes mis-aligned i.e part of it gets pushed off the right of the form. I've attached a screenshot of the problem. Thanks Paul
1.For your first issue Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.second{ display:none; } .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.third{ display:none; } .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc.first{ width:600px; } 2.For your second issue Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .signupForm .signinForm input[type="submit"]{ margin-left:-2px; } This will solve your issue.
Great, that has helped and is just what I need. However, I have noticed an issue after doing the changes and I have included a screenshot of 1 issue and also highlighted something I would like removed from end the 'new' feature column. 1. After adding the code the colour bar at the end of the page has now moved in by 'x' pixels on the left and right had side. The attached will highlight this issue. 2. At the end of the Feature section is the 'First Feature Link Text' button. How can I remove this? Thanks. Paul
1.For your first issue Download updated version of theme from your members area and upload it. 2,For your second issue Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc .readmore{ display:none; }