I have some queries and problems with new classified theme:- 1 The upload image from user for add not working in crome from both site user and admin. 2 I want remove dollar sing from item price and display Rupe sing its not available in payment setting so plz help. 3 Plz confirm where form the user edit a add. 4 On price tag there we add only 7 digits of price plz do it more expandable if possible because if user write more then 7 digit price its look too bad for example http://fendway.com/ad/apartment-containig-8-sections-including-shopsprimary-school/
1. Are you still getting this issue with the latest ClassiCraft Theme release. 2. We have added the Option in the theme, update to latest version and you can customize the symbol according to your requirements. 3. Sorry, Can you please clear your question. 4. The latest theme updates fixes this issue, now you can add big numbers. To update, you have to replace existing theme directory "classicrafttheme" in wp-content with the newer directory downloaded from your InkThemes Members Area.