Hi Guys, I know this is not the easiest question but it would help me tremendously (and I'm sure it will help others as well). I noticed that there must be a way to create a new Theme color different than the 8 colors that are given. Or to change one of the standard theme colors to another color. Do you have a description/explanation on how to do this? I found something on your forum: http://www.inkthemes.com/supportforum/topic/custom-color-for-styling-options Are those steps similar to the infoway theme and the other themes as well? Why this question? I had a designer make a house style and he used some kind of green that does not fit with the standard colors you provide. As I am improving my skills this is something that I really want to know. Again. Love your work and I am looking forward to your next theme. Kind regards from the Netherlands! Bart
Go to Color > green.css present in your theme directory and enter your color code in place of present color codes and also replace your image with present images or edit it. Sending image for reference
I would like to change add a custom color (or change the red to custom red) as well. This may be silly, but where do I find the Color>red.css. Is that in the Appearance>Editor? Thank you.