Would it be possible to include a check box field in the custom field? If companies conduct business in various states or cities we want them to be able to check off the states where they do business. For example: to insert check boxes alongside Florida, New York, Canada, Texas.
I use categories and subcategories for this. they can the check as many boxes as is appropriate. ie Category = Florida, Subcategory = Business type. They can also use tags to add additional search info. Hope that helps
Thank you for your prompt reply. website is http://www.hardmoney.com This is what I am trying to accomplish: Please try to add a listing: You will notice a category with states and countries listed. For example if you look at Canada in the category list you will notice subcategories that I created for Canada. I did this with the "Parent Setting". I now wish to create a totally new category section where the states and countries are not intermingled. In this second category I wish to assign a second scrolling window with other business types exclusively such as Real Estate Broker, Investment Advisor, Financial Consultant. I did not notice anywhere in the wp dashboard to start a new paragraph and install a new scrolling window category section directly below the existing scrolling category window. So to summerize I need to set up a second (2nd) scrolling window category section directly below the existing one. Is this possible? or does this require special customization of the theme? Thank you.
Also, can the word "Category" on the left of the scrolling list window be modified to read " State Category" It appears the word "Category" is a default setting and cannot be changed. Please clarify. Thank you.