Hi, Just loaded Customize theme, and have a first problem with Customize. I get the following error when I click customize: Warning: json_encode(): recursion detected in /homepages/42/d502553417/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyBlog/wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php on line 170 Also, is is possible to use images instead of the icons at the top of the three features sections? Thanks all, Marc
Hello Marc, Warning you have shared is in your core file. Theme don't have such error or warning. Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: http://www.inkthemes.com/community/threads/customize-error.12295/ Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected] I will check and try to resolve your issue. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi