Dear Ink Themes Staff I know what the pixel sizes for the slider images on Elite Pro Theme's main page needs to be, but could you give some advice on how to save the images if I use Adobe Illustrator CS 3 or Adobe Photoshop CS 3. I have used your back ground logos just to make sure that I can actually upload the images, but now that I can upload them I want to understand how best to save the images on Illustrator or Photoshop. Kind regards chinshway
I usually use the suggested dimension - sometimes I use a larger image in the logo area if it looks OK. For the sliders if the dimensions are 640px wide and 332px height - I create a file (ctrl+ n for new file) in photoshop that is 640px wide and 332px height (72 ppi) and save it as jpg format, and I use that as my template. When I need to make a new slider image I open the template and I open the photo to be used, resize/adjust the photo on the template area and save as jpg with an appropriate name: "slider_image_beach.jpg". Hope that helps! Rosy