Hi Gourav, Is it possible to enable 3 blog posts to display on the home page please or for me to be able to change that area to something else, such as a text area. Here's the URL that i'm working on: http://theessexbusinessdirectory.co.uk/ We're also encountering issues when adding an email address. Adding the address itself is not an issue, but if you want to make the email address 'clickable' so someone can make an enquiry the theme seems to accept it for a short time and then spit out the Mail To code. Is there a way of fixing this as well? It seems to be a theme conflict. Thanks
Hello, For your first issue, Go to the front-page.php file present in your theme directory and edit the file as shown in the image given below. For your second issue, Go to the front-page.php file present in your theme directory and paste the code Code: <span><a href="mailto:Enter your mail id here"> Again enter your mail id here</a></span> instead of Code: <span><?php echo stripslashes(inkthemes_get_option('inkthemes_email_add')); ?></span> as shown in the image given below. this will solve your issue.