If someone fills in the "contact this business" form, the email description the business receives reads - " Your listing subscription notification" Is it possible to change this to something more appropriate please? thanks
Here is a solution to help you replace anything within the Geocraft theme. Open a php document from within the theme into Dreamweaver or another program with a search and replace functionality. Copy your string you are trying to locate. Hit command or Cntrl-F. Depending on your device. Paste your string, and be sure to search the entire folder of your Geocraft theme. Then search for your string. You will find that your string is located within: library/controls/module_functions.php Line 549 " $subject = 'Your listing subscription notification'; " Change that line to be whatever you wish the subject to be.
Hello, You will not get library directory in your dashboard. You can edit module_functions.php file through FTP. Open your Theme directory (through FTP) > library directory > control > module_functions.php Download module_functions.php file from there, Edit it, Then again upload it at the same place..