When I login to website and check my dashboard, it says no expired ads but when i check from wordpress it shows it as expired ads. Also how do I reactivate expired ads?
Hello, Go to Classified > Classified and click on "Edit" option of desired Ad and follow the instruction as shown in image given below This will solve your issue. Thanks & Regards Gourav Shrivastava
Hi Gourav, Thanks for quick response but looks like I didn't explain it properly. Actually at the moment expiry date is blank and ad is not expired but when I log in to wordpress, it shows it is expired. Please refer the screen shot I have attached in above question. But when I log in to website and then in dashboard I check, expired ads, it says ad is not expired. So this is an issue, how can we solve it? Now the second question, how can customer reactivate the ad if it is expired?
Hello, Go to Dashboard > Classified Edit expired classifieds and set expiry date and update it. It will publish. Note: Keep date and time format correct. Thanks & Regards Nitesh Raghuwanshi
I am sorry, but my main question is not how to publish it. At one place it shows the ad is expired and at one place it says it is not expired. So if I login in to the website as a user then it shows my advertisement/classified is not not expired. But if I login to the wordpress as a website owner then it shows that classified is expired. In reality actually the ad is not expired. Date field is blank and as per pricing option, ad should be active for two months from the posting . Hope this explains the issue.