Hello, please could you advise how i can add a simple Facebook like button on front page, preferably bottom widget area. I have a floating bar with social buttons at every single page of the site but none of them at front page. Thank you, v4s
Follow the link given below http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ It will provide you code to add Facebook like button.
Thank you. They require to do 2 things to install this plugin (see below). Can you show please where the 1st code has to be placed? In which part of the code (front page.php?) do i have to install it? Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.
Hello, First copy js code and paste it in the header.php (Appearance > Editor / header.php) as shown in image. After that go to Appearance > Widgets drag and drop text widget in the first footer ares and paste html code there. check image for reference.
Thank you, i followed your instructions. The button is embedded, i got 70 Likes in 1 day but i don't see them at friends' FB pages (means people "like" but it doesn't show on their FB pages). Whats can be wrong here? Thank you a lot, www.villa4season.com
We have checked your website and it seems that Facebook like button is working properly, It shows "likes" on users profile page of Facebook.