I would like to make some changes to the theme but I do not want to touch the original files. It seems the only way is creating a child theme. I appreciate if you send me the support email on this subject. I already know that I have to create a new style.css in the child theme directory. Can I copy the full content (except header) of original style.css to the new one and then make the necessary changes in the new style.css? I also want to make changes to header.php, frontpage.php, sidebar.php. Should I copy the original files to Figero Child Theme directory and then make the changes to these files or there is another way for doing that? Thank you.
We are mailing you child theme of "Figero theme" upload it. You need to copy all php files in the child theme directory which you want to edit.
Can you please also email me child theme of "Figero theme". I plan to use your theme as static pages rather than a blog in my main domain. Thanks! Joe