In the Traffica theme 1.2.2, using the 4 column option: The Flip Cards work correctly for the 6 built-in ones. When I add additional Flip Cards, the back text is displayed on top of the box icon instead of below it. Which makes it unreadable. How do I correct this issues? Code for added Flip Cards: [add_feature_box featureimg = '' featuretitle = 'Our Collections: Photographs and Documents' featuredesc = 'You have access to a large part of our collection through our PastPerfect Online website.' featurelink = '' featureback = 'You can view and download Delaware History photos.'], [add_feature_box featureimg = '' featuretitle = 'E-Recycling' featuredesc = 'We can remove your old equipment and dispose of it properly.' featurelink = '' featureback = 'E-Recycling keeps hazardous chemicals out of our environment.']
Hi, Greeting from InkThemes, We need WordPress admin credentials to figure out the issue. Kindly send the below-mentioned credential details at [email protected] along with the thread link. WordPress Website URL: - WordPress Username: - WordPress Password: - We will try to fix your issue. Regards, Akbar
Akbar, Thank you for quickly responding. I found the problem in a development site which I have offline. I added a 5th Flip Card using: [add_feature_box featureimg = '' featuretitle = 'Historic Properties' featuredesc = 'Visit our historic properties in Delaware and Stratford.' featurelink = '' featureback = 'See the Newspapers Exhibit at the Meeker Homestead Museum'] The Flip Card is added correctly, and works correctly with the exception that the back text overlays the featureimg. It should have been below the image and above the reversed featuredesc . I have attached two photographs of the situation 1- front of card, 2 - back of card with text over icon. I hope this gives you what you need to identify the problem and create a resolution.
Hello, We have to check it from your website dashboard. Kindly send the below-mentioned credential details at [email protected] along with the thread link. WordPress Website URL: - WordPress Username: - WordPress Password: - We will do the needful. Regards, Akbar