footer text

Discussion in 'Forum Rules' started by smartmover100, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. smartmover100

    smartmover100 New Member

    Jul 11, 2013
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    hello, I did not receive any answer for my last thread, could you help me please to resolve my Problems? there are only 3 steps left to go online with the new site...
    1. I use your theme colorway: if I leave the footer without text there apears Information of your Company - how can I let this field free - I mean the text on the right side of the footer.
    2. there is also the function on the right side of top:
    font size - this does not work - can you solve or do you have to inactivate it?
    3. we want to use a translator outside of the Container - maybe on the right side on top - for example the Google translator - can you help us to solve this Problems?
    thank you and Kind regards
    Johann from BATURIM
  2. Nitesh

    Nitesh Support Staff

    Oct 19, 2012
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    I have checked your old threads all are replied at the same day you have posted.

    1) Just add <p></p> at the field which you want to leave empty.
    2) "Font-size" is not a theme function. You have added it through plugin. To deactivate it go to the Dashboard > plugins and deactivate related plugin.
    3) Adding any code outside container may create some problems. You can add it at the top right corner by editing code in the "header.php".

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