HI Guys, A gallery looks awesome in the full width page template, but in default template it is all a mess - heeelp!!
Hi Pramod - thank you looking good here: http://www.burrowawelshcobstud.com/performance/ not good here: http://www.burrowawelshcobstud.com/under-saddle-at-home/
Hello, Paste the following code to your custom CSS Code: .page-template-default .page-content .gallery ul li h2 { margin-top: 0; } .page-template-default .content-bar .gallery ul.thumbnail li { float: none; } .page-template-default .content-bar .gallery ul.thumbnail.col-3 li { height: auto; margin-bottom: 0; }
Thanks for that PankajK - it's better... The gallery doesn't have the nice frame around each thumbnail though.... Also, how can I make the font smaller - without changing the font style (have seen a previous forum post to fix this but it changes the font)
Hi guys, How can I make the font smaller?? - without changing the font style (have seen a previous forum post to fix this but it changes the font)
Hi You can change the heading fonts from style.css file of your theme. This won't change the font. If it happens please specify the location where you want to change your font size and how much.