Hi, My name is Ken and using Elite Pro Responsive Theme at "http://francais.ebiken.com". I use this theme for Japanese website and contained many Kanji (double bite texts) in titles of pots and side bars. I found that this template did not show any Kanji at all with <h> tags (from h1 to h6), or technically speaking it appeard about one second and then gone. As I checked CSS of the theme and found that the font of the <h> tags were defined as > font-family:"champagne & Limousines"; So I created a custom CSS and over wrap Elite Pro with my custom CSS contained following font family, which usually applicable for Japanese characters; >font-family: 'Meiryo', 'メイリオ','平成明朝','Lucida Grande', Verdana, >'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro','ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3','MS Pゴシック',sans-serif; * Some of the characters you might not be seen because they are written in Japanese. But the <h> tags are still hidden and the Japanese font families affect menu bar. Would you kindly advise me how I can show up Japanese characters with <h> tags? I would like to promote all the themplates to Japanese designers. But I can do it after fixing this problem. Hope to have your reply very soon. Thanks. Ken Ebihara
Go to Js > custom.js present in your theme directory and remove the code given below Code: //Cufon replacement Cufon.replace('h1')('h2')('h3')('h4')('h5')('h6'); This will solve your issue.
Thank you so much!!! Quick response! It solved! I finally can sleep with peace... Have a nice weekend!