There aren't actually much more worthwhile features on the pro version despite the following statement You are using the Lite Version of ColorWay Theme. Upgrade to Pro for extra features like Home Page Slider Contact Page, Gallery Features, Portfolio Page Template, FullWidth Page Templates, Multiple Color Options and much more. And it won't let me use my child theme. How do I get a refund?
Hi, We really feel sorry for the inconvenienced caused to you. While creating your child theme some small modification required that will leverage and reuse the style of the parent theme and include it in your child theme. If you have created a child theme from your lite version then to use that child theme in your pro-version you need to replace the theme name in your style.css of child theme. Kindly refer the following tutorial If still problem persists do let me know and send following details: This Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected]