How do I upload images to my gallery and create more galleries on my homepage?
Hello, Greeting from InkThemes, Kindly refer the following video I am attaching along with the thread this will surely help you. Regards, Akbar
AKBAR, So I followed the video and my gallery still isn't showing up on my front page. Can you have a look at it from the back-end?
Hello, Greeting from InkThemes, I have uploaded the images to the Gallery that is present on the home page. Also, I have made the video for the same. Here is the link to the video: Have look at the attached video below, hope this will help you. Regards, Akbar
Akbar, I don't want all those images on my front page, I'd like an album called "Residential" so they click on my one featured photo and it takes them to a open window with the rest of the images in a lightbox display that is easy to scroll through.
Hello Susan, Greeting from InkThemes, This is the default feature of the theme so this won't be possible. But you can slide the images easily as you click on one image. Also, you had configured the gallery wrong. Kindly configure the gallery correctly have a look at the attached video link below: Regards, Akbar
ok I figured it out but now it's only displaying 10 images on my front page not 12, I have the settings to display 16 on the homepage. Can you see what the problem is?
Hello Susan, Greeting from InkThemes, To make the desired changes, just Follow the steps given in the video and the steps given below: Go to (Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading -> Reading Settings -> Blog pages show at most). Regards, Akbar