Please tell me where to go to change this text. I saw someone else asked, and you asked their website name, user pass. I just want to know how to change it, I'm an expert user/coder. Thanks, Neal Walters
Looks like I found it under "Edit" then "localbusiness-leads-form.php". Why didn't you just make it a fill in the blank field? It's something everybody is going to have to change. Neal
Okay, I found it in "Theme Options", "Lead Capture Settings", then "Top Feature Heading". To me, it would be much easier to identify if that box was populated with your default text of "Book a cab easily in less than 60 seconds!". Then anyone could quickly and easily see if they change the text there, it would appear on the web page. Neal Walters
So the next obvious question is how to change the picture on the left of the lead page. I didn't see any of this in your PDF documentation. Neal
Now how to remove the text "The every contractors site" - where is that hiding? I uploaded a banner, but that old text is still overlaying.
How do you change the text " Our Taxi service is really awesome and you gonna love it."... Your documentation is missing so much information. Neal
Hello, 1. You have to upload your logo to remove "The every contractors site" text, Go to => Theme Options => General Settings => Custom Logo Upload here your logo. 2. You have to upload your images in slider option to show it in left of lead form, Go to => Theme Options => Slider Settings Upload here your images in all slider options. 3. You can change "Our Taxi service is really awesome and you gonna love it...." text, Go to => Theme Options => HomePage Feature Area => Left Feature Heading Here you have to write your text. It will resolve your issue. Thanks & Regards Yogesh Bhade