Hello, Could you please provide us URL of your website along with some edited screenshot of your issue so that we can assist you accordingly? Thanks, Praveen
Hi My product is still in localhost; Let me be more clear, I have linked a video from youtube and that youtube video contains "Video Advisements and banner like pop-ups" is there anyway that i can remove those things so that the video runs without any distractions.
Hello, Alpha! Sorry for the delayed reply. The issue that you have mentioned can be resolved by changing the youtube settings only. However, I have searched and find a "Youtube Embed" plugin which could be helpful in resolving your issue. Here is the link :- https://wordpress.org/plugins/youtube-embed/ Hope it will resolve your issue. Thanks, Praveen
Hi, Thank for the response, But if we are using HTML 5 video player that will solve the problem and comes with limitation of the latest browser support.