Hello- 1. My colorway theme has a quote on the homepage, please see attached picture, it basically states " Theme from InkThemes.com are based on P3+ Technology, giving high speed, easiness to built & power of SEO for lending trustworthiness and experience to a customer. The Themes are really one of the best we saw everywhere. - Neeraj Agarwal" How can I delete this ? 2. Also, I posted a previous thread on how to delete the "Continue Reading" text at the end of my blog posts because I am displaying full content so there is nothing to continue reading, I removed the following from blog.php and still no change "<?php comments_popup_link('No Comments.', '1 Comment.', '% Comments.'); ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">Continue Reading...</a> </li>" Can you please advise another way to remove the "Continue Reading" text from my full content blog posts. Your help has been greatly appreciated and your amazing customer service and fast responses make me highly recommend you! Thanks again !
1.For your first issue Paste this code in Custom CSS Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS Code: blockquote { display: none; } 2.For your second issue Please provide the following information listed below. Thread Link: Your Website URL: WordPress Username: WordPress Password: Send this information on our email at [email protected]